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Apterostigma tropicoxa Lattke, 1997 valid
Apterostigma tropicoxa Lattke, 1997: 175, figs. 94, 111, 135, 158 (w.) BRAZIL (Amazonas). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Brazil: Amazonas, Manaus, 174 (ZF3, km. 41) RH 1501 (PDBFF), 5.ix.1991 (G.A.R.). Primary type depository: MZSP. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: >1 paratype workers. Secondary type localities: 1 paratype worker with same data as holotype, >1 paratype workers (number not stated) Peru: Loreto, Boquerón, 500 m. (no collector’s name). Secondary type depositories: LACM, MIZA.