Azteca coeruleipennis fasciata Pergande, 1896 homonym replaced by Azteca velox Forel, 1899
Azteca coeruleipennis var. fasciata Pergande, 1896: 867 (w.) MEXICO (Nayarit). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated, “numerous”). Primary type locality: Mexico: Nayarit, Santiago Ixtquintla (= Ixcuintla), x.-xi.1894 (G. Eisen & Vaslit). Primary type depositories: CASC, MCZC, NHMW, USNM. Type notes: 1) Shattuck, 1994: 15, cites 4 worker syntypes in CASC; he states that 1 specimen is labelled ‘lectotype’, but the designation was never published. 2) Longino, 2007: 50, cites syntypes in NHMW, USNM.