Solenopsis metallica Pitts et al., 2018 valid
Solenopsis metallica Pitts et al., 2018: 331, figs. 16–20, 44, 89 (w.q.m.l.) BRAZIL (Santa Catarina, Paraná). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Brazil: Santa Catarina, Rt.166 ca 22 km. N Santa Cecilia, Serra Geral, 1200 m., xi.1998, G-84 (K.G. Ross, M.C. Mescher, D.D. Shoemaker & L. Keller). Primary type depository: USNM. Primary type specimen: USNMENT01126728. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 4 paratype workers, 1 paratype queen, 1 paratype male. Secondary type localities: paratype workers with same data as holotype or G-83, paratype queen, male Brazil: Paraná, edge of Ponto Grosso, median of Rt.PR-513, 20.xi.2015, n. PR15-084 (G. Camacho & D. Gotzek). Secondary type depositories: DZUP, MZSP, UGAA, USUL. Secondary type specimens: USNMENT01126729, USNMENT01126730, USNMENT01126731, USNMENT01126732, USNMENT01126733, USNMENT01126734. Type notes: The specimen has not yet been sent to MZSP (Mônica Antunes Ulysséa).