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Amblyopone ferruginea Smith, 1858 valid
Amblyopone ferruginea Smith, 1858a: 110 (w.) AUSTRALIA (Victoria). Australasia.
Primary type information: Primary type material: 2 syntype workers. Primary type locality: Australia: Melbourne, “56/120” (Merry Merry Creek) (no collector’s name). Primary type depository: BMNH. Type notes: 1) Bolton (unpublished notes) 1978, cites 2 worker syntypes in BMNH. 2) “56/120.” BMNH Accessions Register gives: “1856 no. 120 (Sept 26). Melbourne. Merry Merry Creek. Bought of Stevens.”. 3) OXUM has a worker from Adelaide, not type material (Bolton (unpublished notes) 1978).
Junior synonyms
Obsolete combinations