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Boloponera ikemkha Hawkes, 2018 valid
Boloponera ikemkha Hawkes, 2018: 27, figs. 1A-F, 2A-F, 3A-B, 4A-E, 5 (w.eq.l.) SOUTH AFRICA. Afrotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: South Africa: Limpopo, Sekhukhune, De Grooteboom 373 KT portion 1, 1025 ± 10 m., -24.93625, 30.14494±5m., 8.xii.2016, TRP20166-TSF-131, riverine fringe forest (in Sekhukhune Mountain Bushveld), hand collected 10-15 cm. deep in soil at base of tree (P. Hawkes, J. Fisher & S. Pillay). Primary type depository: SAMC. Primary type specimen: CASENT0254322. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 2 paratype workers, 2 paratype ergatoid queens. Secondary type locality: same as for holotype. Secondary type depositories: AFRC, CASC. Secondary type specimens: CASENT0254320, CASENT0254321, CASENT0254323, CASENT0254324.