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Bothroponera ryderae Joma & Mackay, 2017 valid
Bothroponera ryderae Joma & Mackay, 2017: 35, figs. 25-28, plate 12, 13, map 9 (w.m.) GUINEA. Afrotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Guinea (“French Guinea”): Mt Nimba, TG-1300 m., 1942 (M. Lamotte). Primary type depository: MNHN. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 9 paratype workers. Secondary type locality: 5 paratype workers with same data as holotype, 1 paratype worker Guinea: Mt Tô, forêt, ravine B2-41, ii.1942 (M. Lamotte), 1 paratype worker Guinea: Mt Tô, forêt claire, Camp 1, ii. vi.1942 (M. Lamotte), 1 paratype worker vii. xii.1951, 39Pa (M. Lamotte & Roy), 1 paratype worker Guinea: 28.x.1956, prairie #130pa (M. Lamotte). Secondary type depositories: BMNH, MNHN, SAMC, WEMC.