Solenopsis texana truncorum Forel, 1901 an obsolete combination of Solenopsis truncorum Forel, 1901
Solenopsis texana r. truncorum Forel, 1901j: 346 (w.q.) U.S.A. (North Carolina). Nearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: lectotype queen (by designation of Pacheco & Mackay, 2013: 130). Primary type locality: lectotype U.S.A.: North Carolina, Faisons, 28.vii.1899 (A. Forel). Primary type depository: MHNG. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 1 paralectotype queen, 6 paralectotype workers. Secondary type locality: same as for lectotype. Secondary type depositories: MCZC, MHNG. Type notes: Other original syntypes in MCZC (Creighton, 1950a: 239).