Ponera versicolor Smith, 1857 an obsolete combination of Diacamma versicolor (Smith, 1857)
Ponera versicolor Smith, 1857a: 65 (w.) PHILIPPINES, BORNEO (East Malaysia: Sarawak). Indomalaya.
Primary type information: Primary type material: 2 syntype workers. Primary type localities: Philippines: “Phil. Isla. 42/22” (no collector’s name), Malaysia (“Borneo”): Sarawak “SAR” (A.R. Wallace). Primary type depository: BMNH. Type notes: 1) BMNH accessions register gives: “1842 no. 22. Philippine Islds. Purchased of Mr Cuming.” 2) A specimen from “SAR” (= Sarawak) in OXUM, the other type locality for Diacamma versicolor, has a Donisthorpe, 1932c: 447, label that declares it to be the type, but it also carries a Donisthorpe det.-label “rugosum Le Guil”. This appears to be the correct determination for the specimen as all Diacamma versicolor material that has been seen very clearly exhibits the colour characters given by Smith, 1857a: “P. purpureo et violaceo variegata...”, and, “Black, with purple, violet and green tints in different lights,” and, “Some specimens of this species are entirely bronze-green”. The two Philippines workers in BMNH show the requisite colours (Bolton (unpublished notes) 1978).