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Calyptomyrmex rennefer Bolton, 1981 valid
Calyptomyrmex rennefer Bolton, 1981a: 72, fig. 35 (w.eq.) DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO. Afrotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Democratic Republic of Congo (“Zaire”): Kivu, Terr. Lubero, riv. Lubero, 1780 m.,, coll. Mus. Congo, tamisage de terreau (R.P.M.J. Celis). Primary type depository: MRAC. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 8 paratype workers. Secondary type localities: 6 paratype workers with same data as holotype, 2 paratype workers Democratic Republic of Congo: Kivu, Kabare Nyakasiba, 2350 m., xii.1950, forêt de montagne, I.R.S.A.C.-Mus. Congo, récolté dans terreau, au Berlese (N. Leleup). Secondary type depositories: BMNH. MCZC, MRAC, NHMB. Secondary type specimen: CASENT0900988.