Brachyponera atrata (Karavaiev, 1925) valid
Euponera (Brachyponera) atrata Karavaiev, 1925b: 126 (w.) INDONESIA (Ambon). Australasia.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated). Primary type localities: “a few workers” Indonesia: Amboina (= Ambon I.) 1912-13, Nr. 2762 (W. Karawaiew), and “more workers” Sulawesi, Boeton I., 1912-13, Nr. 2764 (W. Karawaiew). Primary type depository: SIZK. Type notes: 1) Kostyuk, 1976: 92, cites 4 worker, 1 queen syntypes Ambon (queen not mentioned in the original description), 3 worker syntypes Boeton in SIZK. 2) Radchenko et al., 2023: 17, cite 3 worker syntypes Ambon, 4 worker syntypes Boeton in SIZK.
Obsolete combinations