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Aphaenogaster faureli Cagniant, 1969 valid
Aphaenogaster crocea subsp. faureli Cagniant, 1969a: 232, figs. (w.q.m.) ALGERIA. Palearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: >75 syntype workers, >12 syntype queens, 23 syntype males. Primary type localities: 60 workers, 12 queens, 23 males Algeria: Aurès Mts, Djebel Innoumar, Pin d’Alep forest of Beni-Imboul, 22 km. SSW Bou-Hammama, 40 km. SW Khenchla, 1250 m., (H. Cagniant), 15 workers Djebel Boutchaout, 18 km. SSW Bou-Hammama, 1400 m., (H. Cagniant), “several” workers, queens Aurès, Djebel Titouguelt, 10 km. SW Batna, 1350 m., (H. Cagniant), “several” workers Aurès, Djebel Chenntouf, 15 km. SW Batna, 1300 m., (H. Cagniant). Primary type depository: not stated (probably HCPC, MNHN). Type notes: 60 workers, 12 queens and 23 males are referred to as syntypes, while >15 workers, “several” queens and “several” males are referred to as paratypes, but no holotype is designated. All specimens are regarded as syntypes here.
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