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Aphaenogaster sicardi Cagniant, 1990 valid
Aphaenogaster sicardi Cagniant, 1990d: 443, figs. 1, 2 (w.q.m.) MOROCCO. Palearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: >30 syntype workers, >3 syntype queens, >20 syntype males. Primary type locality: 30 workers, 2 queens, 20 males Morocco: Middle Atlas, Jebel Bou Iblane, 90 km. SE Fès “as a bird flies”, 60 km. S Taza, 1975 m., 18.v.1987, vii.1987 (H. Cagniant), workers, queens and males (numbers not stated) from “another colony, same locality”, workers (number not stated) from “a third colony, Bou Iblane, 2100 m.” Primary type depositories: HCPC, MNHN.