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Aphaenogaster weulersseae Cagniant, 1989 valid
Aphaenogaster weulersseae Cagniant, 1989a: 113, figs. 1-4 (w.q.m.) MOROCCO. Palearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: >30 syntype workers, >5 syntype queens, >25 syntype males. Primary type locality: 30 workers, 1 queen Morocco: Jebel Bouqbou, above Maison Forestière de Koumch, 7 km. “as a bird flies” from Zawat ech Cheikh (between Beni Mellan and Khaifra), 1600 m., 7.v.1988 (no collector’s name, presumably H. Cagniant), 4 queens, 25 males with same data but vi.-vii.1988, unnumbered series of workers, queens males with same data but from “another colony at the same locality, ca 1400 m.” Primary type depositories: HCPC, MNHN. Type notes: 30 workers, 1 queen are referred to as syntypes, while 4 queens and 25 males are referred to as ‘plesiotypes’, and an unnumbered series of workers, queens and males are referred to as paratypes, but no holotype is designated. All specimens are regarded as syntypes here.