Primary type information:
Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Comoros: Grande Comore, Karthala, 11.82699S, 43.4295E, 1000 m., montane rainforest, sifted litter (leaf mold, rotten wood), BLF19734, 14-15.iii.2008 (
B.L. Fisher, et al.). Primary type depository:
CASC. Primary type specimen:
Secondary type information:
Secondary type material: 11 paratype workers. Secondary type localities: 3 paratype workers with same data as holotype, 2 paratype workers with same data as holotype but rotten log, BLF19750, 6 paratype workers with same data as holotype but 11.81336S, 43.41945E, BLF19700, 13-14.iii.2008. Secondary type depositories: