Cataglyphis laylae Collingwood, 2011 junior synonym of current valid taxon Cataglyphis saharae Santschi, 1929
Cataglyphis laylae Collingwood, 2011: 458, pl. 96-103 (w.) UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. Palearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: United Arab Emirates: Al Ain (24°13’N, 55°46’E), iii.1995 (C.A. Collingwood). Primary type depository: MHNG. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 16 paratype workers. Secondary type localities: paratype workers with same data as holotype, 3 paratype workers United Arab Emirates: Al Ain zoo, 13.iii.2005 (C.A. Collingwood), 1 paratype worker United Arab Emirates: Remah, 9.iii.1995 (C.A. Collingwood), 9 paratype workers United Arab Emirates: Remah, 18.iii.1995 (D. Agosti), 1 paratype worker United Arab Emirates: Sharjah Desert Park, 5-6.x.2004 (A. van Harten), 1 paratype worker Sharjah Desert Park, 3.iii.2005 (C.A. Collingwood), 1 paratype worker United Arab Emirates: al-Za’aba, 100 m., 22.iii.1995 (D. Agosti). Secondary type depositories: MHNG, NNML, WMLC. Type notes: Sharaf et al., 2015: 113, cite paratype workers from Al Ain, iii.1995, although the original description cites only the holotype with these data; they also add “holotype presumably lost”.