Primary type information:
Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of
Bolton, 1980: 271). Primary type locality: lectotype Zimbabwe (“S. Rhodesia”): Bulawayo, 31.iii.1912, at roots of grass, etc. (
G. Arnold). Primary type depository:
BMNH. Primary type specimen:
CASENT0901116 (lectotype).
Secondary type information:
Secondary type material: 20 paralectotype workers. Secondary type locality: 2 paralectotype workers with same data as lectotype, 3 paralectotype workers with same data as lectotype but 3.xi.1912, 10 paralectotype workers with same data as lectotype but 1.xii.1912, 4 paralectotype workers with same data as lectotype but 26.xi.1912, 1 paralectotype worker with same data as lectotype but xi.1912. Secondary type depositories: