Tetramorium pacificum subscabrum Emery, 1893 junior synonym of current valid taxon Tetramorium pacificum Mayr, 1870
Tetramorium pacificum var. subscabrum Emery, 1893h: 246 (w.) SRI LANKA. Indomalaya.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated). Primary type localities: Sri Lanka (“Ceylan”): Kandy, i.-ii.1892 (E. Simon), and Sri Lanka: Colombo, i.-ii.1892 (E. Simon). Primary type depositories: MHNG, MCSN. Primary type specimen: CASENT0904850. Type notes: A specimen labelled “cotypus” in MHNG is from Philippines and not part of the original type series.