Carebara madibai Fischer & Azorsa, 2014 valid
Carebara madibai Fischer & Azorsa, 2014: 78, figs. 11, 18 (s.w.) CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC. Afrotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype major worker. Primary type locality: Central African Republic: Parc Nat. Dzanga-Ndoki, Mabéa Bai, 21.4 km. 53° NE Bayange, 3.03333, 16.41, 510 m., 10-17.v.2001, rainforest, BLF4032 (B.L. Fisher). Primary type depository: CASC. Primary type specimen: CASENT0415384. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 8 paratype major workers, 32 paratype minor workers. Secondary type localities: 8 paratype major workers, 9 paratype minor workers with same data as holotype, 23 paratype minor workers with same data as holotype but BLF4000. Secondary type depositories: BMNH, CASC, MCZC.