Carebara arabica (Collingwood & van Harten, 2001) valid
Oligomyrmex arabicus Collingwood & van Harten, 2001b: 564, figs. 2-4 (s.w.) YEMEN. Afrotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: neotype major worker (by designation of Sharaf & Aldawood, 2013b: 70). Primary type locality: neotype Saudi Arabia: Almajardah, Wadi Khat, 19.08913°N, 41.97126°E, 513 m., 10.xi.2012, leaf litter sifting (M.R. Sharaf). Primary type depository: KSMA (neotype). Type notes: 1) Original data: holotype major worker, 7 paratype minor workers. Type locality: holotype Yemen: Al Kowd, viii.1999, light trap (A. van Harten & Al Haruri); paratypes with same data. Type depository: WMLC. 2) Not in WMLC, presumed lost (Sharaf & Aldawood, 2013b: 70).
Junior synonyms
Obsolete combinations