Primary type information:
Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Thailand: eastern Thailand, Chonburi Province, Sri Racha District, Kasetsart Sriracha Campus, dry evergreen forest, 13.2837°N, 100.9238°E, 18.x.2003 (
W. Jaitrong), TH03-
WJT-313. Primary type depository:
THNHM. Primary type specimen:
Secondary type information:
Secondary type material: 13 paratype workers. Secondary type locality: 10 paratype workers with same data as holotype; 3 paratype workers with same data as holotype but 19.iv.2003 (
A. Suwanasri), AS190403-01. Secondary type depository:
THNHM. Secondary type specimens:
THNHM-I-00027304 to
THNHM-I-0002730 [this specimen code appears to be missing the last digit],
THNHM-I-00027309 to