Leptothorax subditivus (Wheeler, 1903) an obsolete combination of Temnothorax subditivus (Wheeler, 1903)
Macromischa subditiva Wheeler, 1903c: 99, fig. 5 (w.) U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Prebus, 2021b: 430). Primary type locality: lectotype U.S.A.: Texas, Travis County: Austin, 15.v.1903, on bark of Salix nigra (W.M. Wheeler), Type No. A.M.N.H., M.C.Z. Type 2-1 16371. Primary type depository: MCZC. Primary type specimen: MCZENT00016371 (lectotype; middle specimen on pin). (Source: Prebus, 2021b: 430.) Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 6 paralectotype workers. Secondary type localities: 2 paralectotype workers with same data as lectotype (on same pin as lectotype); 3 paralectotype workers with same data as lectotype; 1 paralectotype worker [no locality data], [no collection date], Type No. A.M.N.H., Type 16371 (W.M. Wheeler). Secondary type depository: MCZC. Secondary type specimens: MCZENT00016371 (top and bottom specimens on same pin as lectotype), MCZENT00578574, MCZENT00578573. (Source: Prebus, 2021b: 430.) Type notes: The lectotype series does not correspond to either of the original syntype series, either by locality or by date. Wheeler described Temnothorax subditivus from two Texas series, one from Walnut Creek, near Austin, 12.v.1901 (W.M. Wheeler), the other from New Braunfels, 3.vi.1901 (W.M. Wheeler); he noted that it was, “A rare species described from a few specimens”; material is probably in MCZC. Baroni Urbani, 1978b: 515, records 5 workers from “N. Braunfeld” (in CUIC, MSNG, USNM), but the date on these is 25.x.1902, which does not correspond with Wheeler’s record of 3.vi.1901.