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Aphaenogaster gemella (Roger, 1862) valid
Atta gemella Roger, 1862b: 260 (w.m.) ALGERIA, SPAIN. Palearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: 1 syntype worker, 2 syntype males. Primary type localities: 1 male Algeria: Algiers (no collector’s name), 1 worker, 1 male Spain: Mallorca (S. von Heyden). Primary type depository: MNLB. Type notes: 1) Boer, 2013: 72, cites a worker and a male from the correct type locality of Mallorca, but refers to the worker as holotype. 2) The Algeria male syntype appears to be lost. 3) Cagniant, 1990a: 48, cites 30 worker, 4 queen, 30 male ‘plesiotypes’ (no type-status).
Obsolete combinations
Current subspecies (nominal plus)

Extant: 1 valid subspecies

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