Polyrhachis bihamata (Fabricius, 1775) valid
Formica bihamata Fabricius, 1775: 394 (w.) THAILAND. Indomalaya.
Primary type information: Primary type material: neotype worker (by designation of Zettel, 2019: 68). Primary type locality: neotype Thailand: Chiang Mai Province, Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai, vic. Monthatarn Falls, 18°48’N, 98°56’E, 700-750 m., 6.xi.1995, no. 8 (H. Zettel). Primary type depository: NHMW (neotype). Type notes: 1) Original type data: holotype worker, “Habitat in insula St. Iohannis Indiae.”) (= Comoros: Anjouan I.) (no further data), depository unknown (probably lost). 2) Fabricius, 1775: 394, and many others (most recently Kohout, 2014: 10), attribute this taxon to Drury, 1773: 73, pl. 38, figs. 7, 8 (w.) (“from the island of Johanna, near Madagascar”). Drury, 1773's work contains both description and illustration, but the species is not named. Fabricius, 1775: 394, marks the first appearance of the name Polyrhachis bihamata. 3) Erroneous type locality is Comoros: Anjouan I. This was previously recorded as “Insula St. Iohannis Indiae” by Fabricius, 1775: 394, Fabricius, 1782: 493, Fabricius, 1793: 361, and Fabricius, 1804: 411; as “Insel St. Johannis und Madagaskar” by Christ, 1791: 509; as “île de Sainte-Jeanne, près de Madagascar” by Olivier, 1792: 499, and Latreille, 1802a: 128; and as “l’île d’Anjouan, l’une des Comores” by Forel, 1891c: 79. Type locality in error, not Comoros/Madagascar (Bolton, 1973b: 352). 4) Emery, 1890a: 71, pointed out that Polyrhachis bihamata was, “molto diffusa nell’Indochina e nell’archipelago indiano”. Forel, 1891c: 79, added that Polyrhachis bihamata, “n’a jamais été retrouvée ni en Afrique ni à Madagascar”.
Junior synonyms
Obsolete combinations