Primary type information:
Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Japan: Okinawa Pref., Ishigaki I., Yonehara, Yashirin-tenboudei, 17.iii.1975 (
K. Onoyama). Primary type depository:
Secondary type information:
Secondary type material: >9 paratype workers. Secondary type locality: 9 paratype workers with same data as holotype [series originally Vial #3 (KO colony #750317-6)], numerous paratype workers and paratype queens in alcohol with same data as holotype but Vial #1 (KO colony #750317-13), several paratype workers in alcohol with same data as holotype but 16.iii.1975, Vial #2 (KO colony #750316-3). Secondary type depositories: