Myrmica weberi Elmes & Radchenko, 2009 valid
Myrmica weberi Elmes & Radchenko, 2009: 112, fig. 1 (w.q.) NEPAL, INDIA, BHUTAN. Palearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Nepal: Sankhawalava, Maghang, Kharka, Makalu Barun Conservation Area, 27°36’18.5’’N, 87°7’30’’E, 2634 m., 7.xi.2005, NPL28 (no. 11), CK-3 (Alpert, Alonso & Subedi). Primary type depository: NHMB. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 39 paratype workers, 1 paratype queen. Secondary type localities: 15 paratype workers, 1 paratype queen with same data as holotype, 7 paratype workers with same locality as holotype but 2548 m., 5.xi.2005, NPL25, MK21-283 (D. Emmett & Subedi), 6 paratype workers as last but 2563 m., 3.xi.2005, NPL31, NPL32, MK-4, MK-6 (G. Alpert), 7 paratype workers as last but 7.xi.2005, NPL33, MK W17, 1 worker India: Darjeeling Dist., Tiger Hill, 2000 m., 27.v.1975 (W. Wittmer), 1 paratype worker India: Kosi, Chauki, 2000-3000 m.,, (NHMB Nepal Expd.) (no collector’s name), 1 paratype worker Bhutan, Nolding, 41 km. W Wangdi, 2800 m., 1972, (NHMB Bhutan Expd.) (no collector’s name), 1 paratype worker Nepal: Rigmo,, NPL2.1 (H. Tabata). Secondary type depositories: NHMB, OXUM, SIZK.