Myrmica aimonissabaudiae Menozzi, 1939 valid
Myrmica aimonissabaudiae Menozzi, 1939a: 286, figs. 1, 3 (w.q.) PAKISTAN. Indomalaya.
Primary type information: Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Radchenko & Elmes, 2001b: 248). Primary type locality: lectotype Pakistan: Karakorum, Sind Valley, Gund, 2080 m., 9.iv.1929, (Duco di Spoleto Italian Expd.) (no collector’s name). Primary type depository: MSNM. Primary type specimen: CASENT0904554. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 3 paralectotype workers, 1 paralectotype queen. Secondary type localities: 3 paralectotype workers with same data as lectotype, 1 paralectotype queen Pakistan: Askole, Braldo Valley, 3100 m., 10.viii.1929, (Duco di Spoleto Italian Expd.) (no collector’s name). Secondary type depository: MSNM.
Junior synonyms