Pheidole lagunculinoda Longino, 2009 valid
Pheidole lagunculinoda Longino, 2009: 48, fig. 12 (s.w.) MEXICO (Chiapas). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype minor worker. Primary type locality: holotype Mexico: Chiapas, 21 km. SW Salto de Agua, 17.38542°N, 92.42802°W±200 m., 180 m.,, LLAMA Ba-A-08-4-03-17. Primary type depository: UNAM. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: paratype major workers, paratype minor workers (numbers not stated). Secondary type localities: paratypes: with same data as holotype, with same data as holotype but Ba-A-08-3-02-16, Ba-A-08-4-03-08, Chiapas, 8 km. SE Salto de Agua, 70 m.,, LLAMA Ba-A-08-1-01-13, Ba-A-08-1-02-02, -11, -17, -19. Secondary type depositories: BMNH, CASC, EAPZ, FMNH, ICNB, INBC, JTLC, LACM, MCZC, MHNG, MIZA, MZSP, UCDC, USNM. Type notes: Perhaps “holotype minor worker” is a misprint for “major worker”. In the other 22 species described in this publication all holotypes have been majors.