Primary type information:
Primary type material: holotype major worker. Primary type locality: Madagascar: Toamasina, Corridor Forestier Analamay-Mantadia, Ambohibolakely, -18.77898, 48.36375, 918 m., 25.xi.2012, BLF29805 (B.L. Fisher, et al.). Primary type depository: CASC. Primary type specimen: CASENT0923263.
Secondary type information:
Secondary type material: 1 paratype major worker, 3 paratype minor workers. Secondary type locality: 1 paratype minor worker with same data as holotype, 1 paratype minor worker with same data as holotype but BLF29802, 1 paratype major worker, 1 paratype minor worker with same data as holotype but BLF29813. Secondary type depository: CASC. Secondary type specimen: CASENT0300266, CASENT0300263, CASENT0300267.