Temnothorax allardycei (Mann, 1920) valid
Macromischa (Macromischa) allardycei Mann, 1920b: 414, fig. 3 (w.q.) BAHAMAS (New Providence). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated (“a small colony”), 1 syntype queen. Primary type locality: Bahamas: New Providence I., road between Grants Town and the Blue Hills, in stem of Cladium jamaicensis, 1917-18 (W.M. Mann). Primary type depositories: MCZC, USNM. Type notes: Baroni Urbani, 1978b: 416, cites 4 worker syntypes (3 MCZC, 1 USNM).
Junior synonyms
Obsolete combinations