Temnothorax aztecus (Wheeler, 1931) valid
Macromischa azteca Wheeler, 1931b: 8 (w.q.m.) MEXICO (Veracruz). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Type-material: lectotype worker (by designation of Prebus, 2021b: 368). Type-locality: lectotype Mexico: Veracruz, Mirador, 10.v.1929, #Z435/Sk. (E. Skwarra). Type-depository: MCZC. Type-specimen: M.C.Z. Type 16357 (lectotype; top specimen on pin). (Source: Prebus, 2021b: 368.) Secondary type information: Paratype-material: 8 paralectotype workers. Paratype-localities: paralectotype workers with same data as lectotype (on same pin as lectotype); 3 paralectotype workers with same data as lectotype; 3 paralectotype workers with same data as lectotype, except #Z420/Sk. Paratype-depositories and specimens: MCZC: M.C.Z. Type 16357 (remaining workers on same pin as lectotype); AMNH; LACM: LACMENT323181, LACMENT181967. (Source: Prebus, 2021b: 368.), MZSP: MZSP0089458.
Junior synonyms
Obsolete combinations