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Camponotus siemsseni Forel, 1901 valid
Camponotus siemsseni Forel, 1901m: 70 (s.q.) INDONESIA (Sumatra). Indomalaya.
Primary type information: Primary type material: 1 (?) syntype major worker, 1 (?) syntype queen. Primary type localities: major worker(s) Indonesia: Sumatra, Deli, Indrapura Estate (Siemssen), queen(s) Sumatra, Langkat (E. Versmann). Primary type depository: possibly MHNG. Type notes: 1) No indication of number of specimens is given. 2) Type material originated in Hamburg Museum, so perhaps destroyed in World War II.
Current subspecies (nominal plus)

Extant: 1 valid subspecies

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