Formica nasuta Nylander, 1856 an obsolete combination of Proformica nasuta (Nylander, 1856)
Formica nasuta Nylander, 1856b: 66 (w.) FRANCE. Palearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: neotype minor worker (by designation of Galkowski et al., 2017: 13). Primary type locality: neotype France: FRA: N43.83544, E4.61828, Beaucaire, 9.vii.2011 (R. Blatrix & C. Lebas). Primary type depository: MNHN (neotype). Type notes: 1) Original type data: syntype workers (number not stated) France: Beaucaire (no collector’s name), “presumably lost”. 2) No type material was found in the Nylander collection (ZMHF) by Radchenko, 2007. 3) 10 minor workers from the same series as the neotype are deposited in MNHN.

Extant: 0 valid subspecies (4 obsolete combinations)