Formica goesswaldi Kutter, 1967 junior synonym of current valid taxon Formica foreli Bondroit, 1918
Formica (Coptoformica) goesswaldi Kutter, 1967a: 234, figs. 15-22 (w.q.m.) SWITZERLAND. Palearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: 122 syntype workers, 4 syntype queens, 58 syntype males. Primary type locality: Switzerland: Grisons Canton, Soglio (Bergell), ca 1150 m. (H. Kutter). Primary type depository: NHML. Primary type specimens: CASENT0912244, CASENT0907580. Type notes: 1) Kutter, 1967a: 234, 235, 236 (in measurement tables), lists 3 holotypes, one each for worker, queen and male: hence all are syntypes. 2) Seifert, 2000a: 544, cites 56 workers, 3 queens, 20 males in NHML.